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The Society of St. Joseph is under the aegis of the Sacred Heart Church Parish of Rajagiriya with the intention of fostering and emulating the virtues of St. Joseph as an obedient, faithful, protective guardian of the Holy Family.


The Society, initiated in the Year of St. Joseph, by the Sacred Heart Church Rajagiriya Sri Lanka, begins a journey today, into the heart of this ‘Silent Saint’. This most ordinary but amazing man; whom His Holiness Pope John Paul II called the ‘Guardian of the Redeemer’, helps us to live our lives in the light of his life. A life that reveals the deep meaning, passion, and purpose of our lives and our role as Fathers in our families.


St. Joseph is certainly not passively resigned, but courageously and firmly proactive. In our own lives, acceptance and appreciation can be an expression of the Holy Spirit’s gift of fortitude. Only the Lord can give us the strength needed to accept life as it is, with all its contradictions, frustrations, and disappointments and St. Joseph embodies that strength and shows us the way. We commit, with our families to imitate his virtues and his zeal in our quest to find that ultimate ‘Father’s Heart’ that would ensure joy in our lives.


With the Apostolic Letter “Patris Corde” (“With a Father’s Heart”), Pope Francis recalls the 150th anniversary of the declaration of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church. To mark the occasion, the Holy Father  proclaimed  the 8th December 2020 to 8th December 2021 as the “Year of Saint Joseph”

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The juxtaposition of a Carpenter’s Plane with Three Lilies amply tells the story of St. Joseph The Carpenter, who was the earthly spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Her purity crisply expressed by the chaste white lily. The enduring devotion of Saint Joseph to The Blessed Trinity is personified by three white lilies.


I. Establish the importance of the silent and discreet but incomparable role of the Father in today’s family. II. Enlighten Fathers about imbibing and imitating the traits of obedience, acceptance, patience and fortitude so that families could live with dignity and grace. III. Clear the confusion in the family between authority and authoritarianism, service and servility and discussion and oppression. IV. Inculcate among Fathers the wisdom of raising children, capable of deciding for themselves, enjoying freedom and exploring new possibilities, and shun trying to dominate them. V. Create in Fathers the ability to love with extraordinary freedom; the opposite of domineering possessiveness, to focus on the family but remove themselves as the centre of the family; the sense in which St. Joseph is seen as the ‘most chaste’ who chose to be a Father ‘in the shadows’.


‘Imitation of St. Joseph in the Holy Family’ As a carpenter’s plane shapes uneven contours, smoothes appearance and seeks perfection, so does St. Joseph, through His fiat as the head of the Holy Family, silently entreats us, earthly Fathers to embrace and accept, rather than search for explanation, of our cardinal role as the head of our families. St. Joseph taught His Son to do the ‘will of God’, and so, will we lead our families in the ‘path of God’. Trusting in the Lord and accepting life, even though we do not understand it completely, we will emulate St. Joseph who set aside His own ideas and reconciled himself with the will of God. He was a man who stood for the value of the dignity and the joy of work, a man who turned problems into possibilities and led his family away from strife and danger to safety and peace with patience and a heart filled with love and trust and a total absence of frustration. Happiness for St. Joseph in the Holy Family is a true gift of self and we see a need for such Fathers in our world today.


I. Uphold and protect the ways of the holy catholic family in the most valiant way II. Conduct of affairs to be pure and uncorrupt III. Always be fair and impartial in decisions made and services offered. This is also the practice of being just to God by giving what is due to him by serving his people. IV. Hold no position, rank, privilege, authority or wealth above the true mission of the society. Practicing true poverty to elevate the society’s position and retain its course toward the mission. V. Benevolent labor for the good of another, with true faith in the service of God. VI. Be obedient to the word of God. To know that all authority is borrowed and realizing this with a sense of responsibility and modesty. VII. Fidelity towards the mission & the cause supported through the society. Steadfast conduct during confusion, travail and failure, praying at all times for the intercession of God. VIII. To have patience to listen, patience to feel and express empathetic compassion towards others and to understand that they may suffer malady not by choice. In the service of others, we will not be quick to judge others for their differences. IX. Use the collective Wisdom of the Society to make practical decisions in the here and now. Act decisively, swiftly, and accurately. Not rashly nor timidly, but prudently. X. Conduct affairs with the highest form of humility that deters those with pride and ill-intentions. Use powers and authority vested in the society to safeguard the ways of the catholic holy family, with complete reliance on God.



Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.


Holy Mary, pray for us.
St. Joseph, pray for us.
Illustrious son of David, pray for us.
Light of patriarchs, pray for us.
Spouse of the Mother of God, pray for us.
Chaste guardian of the Virgin, pray for us.
Foster father of the Son of God, pray for us.
Watchful defender of Christ, pray for us.
Head of the Holy Family, pray for us.


Joseph most just, pray for us.
Joseph most chaste, pray for us.
Joseph most prudent, pray for us.
Joseph most valiant, pray for us.
Joseph most obedient, pray for us.
Joseph most faithful, pray for us.
Mirror of patience, pray for us.
Lover of poverty, pray for us.
Model of workmen, pray for us.
Glory of home life, pray for us.
Guardian of virgins, pray for us.
Pillar of families, pray for us.
Solace of the afflicted, pray for us.
Hope of the sick, pray for us.
Patron of the dying, pray for us.
Terror of demons, pray for us.
Protector of Holy Church, pray for us.

Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
Spare us, O Lord!

Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us, O Lord!
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us!


V. He made him the lord of His household,
R. And prince over all His possessions.


Let Us Pray
O God, Who in Thine ineffable Providence didst vouchsafe to choose Blessed Joseph to be the spouse of Thy most holy Mother, grant, we beseech Thee, that he whom we venerate as our protector on earth may be our intercessor in Heaven. Who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.


O Blessed St.Joseph,


Faithful Guardian of our Redeemer Jesus Christ,


Protector of your Chaste Spouse, the Virgin Mother of God, Mary Most Holy.


We beseech you, to instruct us in every doubt,

comfort us in every affliction,

guide us with your wisdom and

teach us the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,

while we strive to be like you in the Holy Family.




Our Father…

Hail Mary…

Glory be…


Most Sacred Heart of Jesus – Have Mercy on us

Immaculate heart of Mary – Pray for us

St. Joseph – pray for us


The sign of the Cross


O Saint Joseph,


help us by your powerful intercession to

obtain for us, from your Divine Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,

all the spiritual blessings that we need

 to protect and guide our families here on earth,

as you did with the Holy Family.




Our Father…

Hail Mary…

Glory be…


Most Sacred Heart of Jesus – Have Mercy on us

Immaculate heart of Mary – Pray for us

St. Joseph – pray for us


The sign of the Cross

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