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Served by the Sylvestro Benedictine Monks in the Archdiocese of Colombo

Since 1984

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28 

Sacred Heart of Jesus


Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, who has made us into a kingdom, priests for his God and Father, to him be glory and power forever [and ever]. Amen.


The Sacred Heart Church at Rajagiriya in the Arch Diocese of Colombo is a Sylvestro Benedictine Mission and is situated in the vicinity of the historical city Sri Jayawardenepura, Kotte. The efforts of the Sylvestro Benedictine Order have transformed this Parish to be a vibrant body of the Arch Diocese of Colombo.

Church Services


Our services are thoughtfully arranged to serve over 1,500 families in our parish in all 03 languages.  Our strength lies in our parishioners who  strive tirelessly to keep alive the mission of our church.



05.30 PM English

(vigil mass valid for Sunday)


07.00 AM English

08.30 AM Sinhala

10.00 AM Tamil

12.00 NOON English

05.30 PM English


Daily - 06.15 AM English

Tuesday - 06.00 PM Sinhala

Wednesday - 06.00 PM Tamil

Friday - 05.00 PM  Sinhala

Friday 06.00 PM English


06.15 AM English

8.30 AM Tamil

12.00 NOON English

05.00 PM English

06.00 PM English


Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament throughout

the day and benediction after 06.00 PM mass


“Love one another as I have loved you!” This is one of the commandments we are reminded of whenever we celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

It is the kind of Love we experience in our Parish when communities from all over come together as one congregation to worship One Heart. The Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Especially when Pope Francis has opened a synod on journeying together as a Church and is asking for our participation: Catholics, those from other faith traditions, and those on the margins in our society. Asking us to invoke the Holy Spirit to guide our Church into deeper communion, deeper participation in the life in Christ, and a deeper commitment to the Church’s evangelizing mission.

As the Parish Priest of the Sacred Heart Church of Rajagiriya I have been blessed with a community that has always come together to support our Church in every possible manner. Our Church is built on a foundation of love and togetherness and is a place where all of us find deeper meaning in our faith and one another.

As we worship together, we grow stronger together as a Parish, and as God’s children. Faith and Prayer are invisible, but they are what make Impossible things Possible. Faith in our one true God and Faith in our parish community is what makes the Sacred Heart Church of Rajagiriya a haven for worship for all of us.

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus shine down on our Church and its community for eternity!

- Rev. Fr. Jude Nixon (OSB) -

Silhouette of Cross Against Sky

01–04–1945  First Holy Mass By Rev. Fr. Guegen Oim On Easter Sunday In The Already Existing House

25–11–1948  Foundation Was Laid For A New Semi-Circular Church, Rev. Fr. Bruno Daniel OSB

01–01–1949  Foundation For A New Church, Rev. Fr. Herath Omi, Building Completed In 1950

01–10-1957  Rajagiriya Was Made An Independent Parish, First Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Joy Goonawardene OMI

25–12–1985  New Church Completed, First Holy Mass – Rev. Fr. Bruno Daniel OSB

10–03–1992  Two-Storeyed New Mission, Rev. Fr. Wulstan Fernando OSB

22–01–2006  Foundation For Four-Storied Community Building, Fr. Leonard Ranasinghe

Tithes and Offerings


Dear Lord, I adore thy Sacred Heart, which I desire to enter with acts of love, praise, adoration, and thanksgiving. I offer thee my own heart as I sigh to thee from its very depths, asking that thou will worketh through me in all that I do this day; thus may I draw thee closer to me than thou wert before. I offer thee all the crosses and sufferings of the world, in union with thy life on earth, in expiation for sins. 


The Sacred Heart Church at Rajagiriya in the Arch Diocese of Colombo is a Sylvestro Benedictine Mission and is situated in the vicinity of the historical city of Sri Jayawardenepura, Kotte.


WV6V+7J9, Borella.

Rajagiriya Rd, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte.

Sri Lanka..

Phone - (94) 112 862 757

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© 2022 by The Society of St. Joseph - Sacred Heart Church Rajagiriya.

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